Tulip Trade Event 2019

The Fourth time we participate in the Tulip Trade Event and it was a good one again. We had a lot of visitors and some beautifull tulips to show.

P. Aker had the honor to open the Event. With help from the Amsterdam Tulip Museum, who told a beautiful story about the history of the tulp. El alcalde de Drechterland que felicitó a nuestra empresa con nuestro 125 aniversario y un espectáculo de magia dado por Ronald Moray ‘El Maestro Holandés de la Magia’ fue la apertura del Tulip Trade Event 2019 para nosotros un gran éxito.

Publications about the Tulip Trade Event:
Polen: POD Oslonami POD Oslonami POD Oslonami
Japan: MPS Japan
Duitsland: Taspo
Canada: Greenhouse
